Over the weekend Tatum and I worked at the Peoria Sports Complex helping out at a baseball tournament. For some reason lately I have had the urge to take more and more pictures of unique people... one of these days it may get me into trouble. When I saw this gentleman strutting his stuff sporting pink shorts and pink crocs I was sure he was not straight. Apparantly he is. I came to that conclusion after noticing that he was holding his girlfriends hand (not in the picture).
Moral of the story:
If you don't want people to question you, don't give them a reason to.
I am in no way saying that the color pink automatically makes you look gay, I am only saying that in certain circumstances and dress attire it does.
Guru or not, pink pants are not hot. I'm not gay or anything but pink pants/shorts should mean gay. Also, thank you for your comments and support of my blog. miss Randy told me the "classroom" video was on a blog. I can't belive my dream of being posted on you tube came true so soon. Thanks again
Pow Pow Mastor,
I have to agree... there is no need for pink pants/shorts and I am going to add pink crocs to the list.
I am very honored to have helped you fulfill one of your dreams.
Have you ever typed in your name on youtube? Is that video of someone wakeboarding at Lake Pleasant you? Just type in your real name and you'll see a pleasant surprise.
I would like to add to the list of "Things That Make Men Look Gay": pink tutus, pink warm-up suits, pink spandex body suits, and pink turbans.
May I be so bold as to suggest that tutus in any color will make that man look gay?
I had no idea I was on there before faking a bowel movement and i had no idea there were such things as pink turban homos. Thank you Captain once again for letting me believe in myself as one who can climb the youtube ladder. It WAS me on pleasent and I will find the poster....of it!
Also, hwy-13 is my uncle's site he maintains in Branson, Missouri. I joined a discussion board that the whole city checks daily, pretending to be a weiner dad, computor illiterate from LA, Cali who moved to missouri to get away from his abusive wife. He took the 5 kids with him and was asking questions about weird rashes in their groins and around their faces i find after they play outside in the weeds and wander in the woods....long, funny story but it's been awhile since i wrote on there last. My cousin from out there moved down and lives with us now.
Jey Hosh, nice to see you jere. I jope you jave a good time blogging.
I have a pink shirt that Aubrey jates. It was acutally Paul Noack's shirt...so I didn't really buy it.
I guess that's Col's version of "computor illiterate dad". I do hate that pink striped shirt.
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