Once again I was in the library searching for some remote area when I heard something... something like a cage shutting slowly and quietly. I followed the sound and when I finally reached my destination I was mystified and stupified at the sight of somebody actually being able to breach the security of these study cells. So naturally I took a picture and then searched for a study cell that I could claim as my own. It must have been fate, because just one or two cells down I found an unlocked cell. I don't know who's error this was, but you can bet I certainly studied in there that afternoon. What is that you ask? Do I feel bad that I probably got somebody fired by posting this on the "net" for everyone to see? No. If you make mistakes you're bound to get caught... and I am going to be the one to catch you.
It would've been really funny if you'd have locked yourself inside of that study cage. Maybe you should let your wife know where it's located so she will know where to look when you have been missing for several hours.
Did anyone see you taking pictures of yourself in the cages, I mean study area's?
I don't know if I was seen, but chances are that a few people saw my hand reach over the door to take the picture.
Is the space over the door where you reached your hand through big enough to crawl through? If so, you're golden. If you ever get locked in, you can shimmy on out.
I'm not so sure that you got in! You could have created an image that makes it look like you are in, when you are really out.
I think he stuck his hand in the cage and took a picture if himself standing outside of it. Don't believe him you guys.
p.s. he is mafia.
In response to Aubrey's question...yes and yes.
Colman, in response to your comment - please see the post that was posted after this.
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