Sunday, October 01, 2006

You might be looking at this picture and saying to yourself, "What is wrong with this picture?" The answer is...nothing. When I saw this I thought it said Prosthetics and Orthodontics. I thought it was so funny that I took a picture. I was going to write this big thing on here about how funny it is and give different scenarios for why they would put those two businesses together. Today, I was getting ready to put it up and noticed that it says, "Orthotics." That combination isn't funny at all - it makes pretty good sense to me. Meanwhile I am stuck with a poor to mediocre post when I almost had an outstanding one.


Tatum said...

It's outstanding to me Jack! It's outstanding to me...

Aubrey said...

I can't begin to count the number of times that's happened to me. Just be glad you caught it before you made an absolute ninny of yourself!