Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Perfect End To Finals...

I would first like to apologize for neglecting my duties on this blog as well as not commenting on any other blog. As you all may be aware - this last week or so was filled with final assessments at ASU and many other universities, high schools, elementary schools, and kindergartens across the nation. It is because of my focus on finals that I have slacked on these other very important duties. I know that you have all lost faith in me. I know this because I recently received a report from site meter that says I am averaging "-" hits a day. I don't know for sure, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that "-" probably doesn't stand for "So high that we can't fit all the numbers in this small space." Let's be honest with each other, it stands for 0.

Speaking of finals...today was my last final for the semester. Once again, my hard work and dedication paid off in the form of the pictures that you see above this message. If you are wondering, "Is that an elderly man in his late 60's or possibly early 70's riding a razor scooter?" - your assumptions would be correct. As I walked to class I heard the ever so familiar sound of a razor scooter riding over the cracks of the sidewalk coming up from behind me. I looked to my left and to my delight and astonishment this man whizzed right by. For a brief moment I stood awe struck and then panic set in... I realized I had to act quick if I wanted to capture this moment. Luckily, the cross walk was red and after I had stepped up the pace a little I was able to catch up to the fellow. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to get better pictures. Amazingly enough they came out pretty clear even though I was walking as I took both of them.


Anonymous said...

This was a little long but worth the read.

Col said...

Looks like another Christmas miracle if you ask me.

David said...


Amy said...

I would have never believed it had I not seen the pictures. It does however make me a little nervous. I don't think he could take a fall quite as good as say...a younger lad.

Bon said...

this IS a great way to end finals. almost betting than getting a good grade is seeing an old man riding a razor scooter. honestly, i feel like i'm too big to even ride them. i feel like they were built for elves

David said...

Seriously, I don't know how they do it.

Anonymous said...

Christmas Elves.