Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's official.

Today Mitt Romney officially announced he was running for president. In my opinion, he gave a great speech. I'd suggest reading the whole thing. It certainly got me pumped up. He described current politics and the political posturing of many politicians. He gave what I like to call, "Mitt Romney's 8 Articles of Faith" where he talks about what he believes in. I really enjoyed it.


Tatum said...

Cool Babe, I didn't get to read the speech but I am happy that you updated your blog.

Aubrey said...

That is a great speech. He's been highlighted in all the papers lately, and I've already been asked about it at work since every headline implies that his Mormon faith will hurt his campaign.

It'll definitely be interesting.

David said...

I hear ya - except for the part about people at work asking about it. I am starting to be persuaded that in the end his religion won't play too much of a negative role - and may even help him to some degree...but who knows? Maybe I am being overly optimistic.

Aubrey said...

I have noticed that the articles still focus more on his politics than on his religion, so maybe you're right. What's interesting to me is how many people have never heard of him at all.

Bon said...

um, excuse me, you need to get some new material, i am tired of reading this same blog over and over. please relay message to your wife as well.