By the condo where we live there is a pond right outside our window. Every once in a while parents/kids that can read will ignore the big sign that says, "Warning, unfenced pond, children should be supervised at all times." On this particular occasion there was a girl admiring the turtles and ducks. When I noticed that she was trying to touch one of them I decided to grab the camera. I knew she wouldn't be able to get close enough because the turtles jump back in the pond the second they notice you are around. My motivation for getting the camera was worse... I was hoping to get a picture of her falling into the pond. I know that is sounds bad. I know you're saying, "What if the girl can't swim?" Trust me, that all went through my head while I anticipated her plunge into that nasty nasty water. I convinced myself that it would be a funny picture for everyone - including her parents - oh the laughs we all would have. Right? I continued convincing myself that if she fell in, it wouldn't be a problem because a) she could just stand up and the water would probably just go to her waist, and b) I could run out and help her out of the water in a matter of seconds. Well, needless to say, she didn't fall in - otherwise you would have seen a picture of her in the water.
P.S. The weirdest part is that she crawled out of that bush behind her and then when she was done she crawled back in. I haven't seen her since.
Hi. Courtney/Colman's cousin here. Question. What is she standing on? Classic thing to do by the way . . .stand by and take the pictures. I need to get myself a camera phone!
Welcome Dixon family welcome! A rock...she was standing on a rock which looks a lot like a hover board, so I can understand the confusion.
I was hoping you would say she fell in. I must be a horrible person.
But on a happy note if she did fall in and you saved her maybe you would get an award or a trophy or something. You should watch for pond goers more often.
Well dude. I spent probably over 4,000 hours in a row with you... 24/7 and I have to say... Yeah, you are pretty much a bad person. BUT I LOVE YOU! That's got to make going to hell a little easier to stomach. Peace from africa.
-Mickey Mouse
No question...you and your lovely wife are bad people...dumping us for a family wedding? what kind of tournament loyalty do you have? We may have to rethink are hiring process.....
um, seriously david. there's only so many times i can read this post. yes, you are a bad person if you don't put something new up for my entertainment
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