Sunday, August 26, 2007


Just the other day I was driving on bell road when the above prize fell into my lap. Some days it just seems like everything goes right. If you can't decipher the code too well then keep reading. On the right we have a space craft. In the background there are mountains and on the left it reads, "Boston." What you might not be able to see are the faces of the band Boston above the words, "Boston." - That's my favorite part. Now that is a dedicated fan. I am assuming that beautiful creation was inspired by the below Boston album cover.

Now here is where the story takes a scary turn. I followed the car for about a half a mile until the driver pulled over and got out of the car. That is when I was able to snap the following photo.


Aubrey said...

This made me laugh out loud. I REALLY hope I see that guy driving around Scottsdale...

sarahwaite said...

purely amazing... i wonder if he would sell me that car.

i hope you all are doing okay without me at work! i know it was probably rough for the first few days, but hopefully by now the wounds are beginning to heal.

Anonymous said...

If you wanted to take a picture of my husbands truck just don't have to follow him around! We are down with "Guitario" whenever you guys can handle another rock off.