Today I decided to search out a quiet, vacant place to study. It seems like anywhere on campus that I go there are a ton of people. So I decided to go up to a random floor of the Towers portion of the library. Apparantly there were a few others that had the same idea as me, but it was still pretty quiet. That wasn't enough - I didn't want to see a soul. I searched and searched, along the walls, around corners, and then I found it...death row. Look at this picture. There are two rows of probably 10 of these each. All of those little cubicles are locked up so you couldn't get inside even if you wanted to. I think this is where they lock up the students that roll luggage around campus Luckily right across from them were some normal desks where I peacefully studied...alone.
David I cannot believe that they lock up students at ASU. Now you are kind of new there, so ask Colman if he has ever been locked up. I know a girl that went there, and...that it's...she went there and I never heard from here again...I wonder...
I can guarantee you with 100% surety that on any given day there are more students wheeling luggage around BYU campus than there are at ASU. And more of them are wearing sun hats.
I have to admit ASU doesn't seem to have many luggage wheelers. I have to admit one more thing - I didn't know what sun hats were so I had to look it up. That is hilarious.
A sister on my mission wore sun hats every day. She would also leave us little encouraging notes that kind of creeped me out. We called her Hat Sister and mocked her incessantly.
Wo, wo, wo - sister missionaries were allowed to wear hats out and about? (I said the last three words with a Canadian accent to take you back to your roots.)
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