Friday, November 03, 2006

I Present To You...The Pride And Joy Of Halloween

This my friends is the trophy for the winner(s) of the costume contest at the Carter Halloween Parté. This trophy will be passed on year after year to the new winner of the costume contest. It is a great honor to possess such a fine piece of workmanship.


Jbone said...

Thank you for your comment on Carnies. I still feel somewhat unclean after going to the fair. Too many painted-on-eyebrows for one year already. I really LIKE them, but i can only take so many.
Also, my congrats on the award. Is that a 2k gold plate finish? The carter's costumes were great too! How did Mr. Bunyon fill out his face so nicely? Maybe it's just the lighting in the picture or something. Dont tell him I said that, it might hurt his feelings if he reads into it the wrong way. Anyways i'll just take it out of this comment thats open to the i go deleting it...I'll just click on the "publish" button here..(to delete the comment of course...I'm not stupid.) Here we go.. "(click)" Oh CRAP!!! it posted by accident!...Again!

David said...

How many showers did you take when you got home?

If spray paint has 2k of gold then I would have to say...yes.

Are you talking about Colman's beard? That's au natural.

Wait a second...I have painted on eyebrows. What are you trying to say...that I am some carnival freak.