Friday, January 12, 2007

It started with one...

Dear Driver,

Please, please, please seek counseling. It has gone on long enough. I understand that it may have started with a support the local police bumper sticker, but you've lost control. Bill Clinton can no longer run for president. Jim Pederson lost the election. Abortion has been legal for some time now. Although you may really like to eat at Carl's Jr., do you really need to advertise for them without any chance for compensation? Could you drive a little further away from the sidewalk... you're scaring me. We get it, you think you are smarter than Bush. 20 bumper stickers tell me otherwise. We are concerned and hope that you will receive the proper medications and mental adjustments that will help you to someday resolve the addiction you promote on the backside of your minivan. You can do this. It may take a new back door, but you can do this.

A Concerned Friend

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Oh scary. Is this me in 20 years? No. I would recommend my new De-Solv-It lotion to him, and to myself.