Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Separate but equal.

This is an outrage. I've been on the phone all weekend with the Rev. Al Sharpton and he assures me that we can stop the Super Bowl from coming to Glendale next year because Arizona is a racist state that allows its' Arizona State University to name its' tennis facilities, a traditionally white sport, "WHITEMAN Tennis Center." This is not only the most outrageous passive segregation technique in our day, but is also the sole cause for the relatively few number of African Americans in the sport of tennis. Arizona must be stopped in its' tracks before its' society reverts to even more extreme tactics of bigotry.
Disclaimer: The events in this post are fictional, however the name of the ASU tennis facility is not. I have never nor anticipate ever to contact the Rev. Al Sharpton.


Trevor and Summer said...

I think that makes you a racist by not contacting the Rev. By the way we've had to cancel school two days in a row for snow. How many snow days have you had in AZ?

Tatum said...

None, That is Awesome!

Great Picture David! Your camera phone is the best. When am I due for a free upgrade again? I am ready now.

David said...

Better you than me, Trevor, better you than me.

However, seeing how for me school just started today... the answer would be none. Could you please tell the rest of the class when it was that you started school?

Trevor and Summer said...

Yes I did start last week Jan 8th, but I have one question Capn, when do you get out? Seems to me I get out MArch 27th.

David said...

I had a feeling that was coming. I can't think of any adequate response to your scare tactics.

Amy said...

Ok so I read the first comment and thought "well I'll be we've had two snow days here too," and then I investigated and sure enough you have other friends in Portland. Well aren't you Mr. popular!

Col said...

In all my days at ASU I have never seen the Whiteman Tennis Center. Most of my classes are on the other side of campus by the Redskin Tennis Center.

David said...

Colman, can you verify that before I call Chuck Norris?

P.S. I couldn't think of any famous indians - so I picked the only famous part indian that I knew.