Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega
It is quite apparant that the former communist leader of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, was elected to be president. What were they thinking? He has been running for president since 1990, when he was ousted, and somehow he is now going to be back in power. He apparantly ran as a moderate leftist this time-why anybody believes that is a mystery to me. I highly doubt he will be able to turn Nicaragua into a total communist lead country like his buddy Fidel has, however it looks like we have another Hugo Chavez on our hands (A Democratic Socialist).
They probably voted him in because every president they have had since him has also been corrupt. They weren't nearly as bad, but they did steal a lot of money from the people which has contributed to their continued rank of being the second poorest country in the western hemisphere. They have had some real slime balls ruining their country.
It's amazing how similar the words "running" and "ruining" are.
Ya, when I wrote it I noticed that and decided that it could go either way.
I had the same thought exactly!
"2:27" We were meant to be.
In this case, ruining is actually more accurate I suppose.
yes...yes indeed.
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