Thursday, December 21, 2006
Quite the lucky shot...
Today I had the rare opportunity to go golfing. I went a week or two ago but before that it had been years. One of my friends in the ward had 2 free rounds of golf in one of Sun City Wests' finest golf establishments (well, maybe not "finest"). I was a little worried because the last game of golf I played horribly. Luckily this time I played alright. I had one lucky shot that from about a hundred or more yards out it landed and rolled to about 6 inches away from the hole. It just so happened to be the last hole - so naturally I had to take a picture since I haven't updated this blog for a while. Life just isn't as exciting when I am not in school.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A Perfect End To Finals...
I would first like to apologize for neglecting my duties on this blog as well as not commenting on any other blog. As you all may be aware - this last week or so was filled with final assessments at ASU and many other universities, high schools, elementary schools, and kindergartens across the nation. It is because of my focus on finals that I have slacked on these other very important duties. I know that you have all lost faith in me. I know this because I recently received a report from site meter that says I am averaging "-" hits a day. I don't know for sure, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that "-" probably doesn't stand for "So high that we can't fit all the numbers in this small space." Let's be honest with each other, it stands for 0.
Speaking of was my last final for the semester. Once again, my hard work and dedication paid off in the form of the pictures that you see above this message. If you are wondering, "Is that an elderly man in his late 60's or possibly early 70's riding a razor scooter?" - your assumptions would be correct. As I walked to class I heard the ever so familiar sound of a razor scooter riding over the cracks of the sidewalk coming up from behind me. I looked to my left and to my delight and astonishment this man whizzed right by. For a brief moment I stood awe struck and then panic set in... I realized I had to act quick if I wanted to capture this moment. Luckily, the cross walk was red and after I had stepped up the pace a little I was able to catch up to the fellow. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to get better pictures. Amazingly enough they came out pretty clear even though I was walking as I took both of them.
Friday, December 01, 2006
A Christmas Miracle...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Meet Kris.
Monday, November 27, 2006
This is where they cook the turkeys.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
What is wrong with this picture?
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
What were they thinking?
Grand Opening of a new Village Inn?
No. This is the line at the Surprise MVD. I was one of 3 people under the age of 70 today. Today I found out first hand how the elderly keep getting drivers licenses. This story is about a lady that represents many in the elderly community. Let's call her Bernice. Bernice was there to renew her drivers license. It so happens that as I was sitting across from Bernice when her number N002 was called. Her number was called and there she was searching for window number 5. So far so good, right? Wrong. She can't find window 5. She's looking and looking, counting the windows (although she doesn't know which side to start the counting from). That's when I fealt bad and pointed her to window # 5. Then she said to me jokingly, "Maybe I shouldn't be driving if I can't see." She then walked over to where I pointed and stood directly in front of the window staring at the big sign with the number 5 on it. That's when I hear, "Where is window #5?" (repeated multiple times). The employee then helped her. The amazing part is that just before this she had passed the eye exam.
Friday, November 03, 2006
I Present To You...The Pride And Joy Of Halloween
A little late...
Last weekend we had the extreme pleasure of attending a costume party hosted by the Carters. It was seriously the best costume party that I have ever gone to. It was so fun. Tatum and I dressed up as Pam and Dwight from "The Office." Believe it or not, we earned first place for our costumes. .. but check these freaks out.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
I am no fashion guru, but...
Moral of the story:
If you don't want people to question you, don't give them a reason to.
I am in no way saying that the color pink automatically makes you look gay, I am only saying that in certain circumstances and dress attire it does.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
In Response to Colman's Comment...
Friday, October 13, 2006
the never ending study pursuit...
Once again I was in the library searching for some remote area when I heard something... something like a cage shutting slowly and quietly. I followed the sound and when I finally reached my destination I was mystified and stupified at the sight of somebody actually being able to breach the security of these study cells. So naturally I took a picture and then searched for a study cell that I could claim as my own. It must have been fate, because just one or two cells down I found an unlocked cell. I don't know who's error this was, but you can bet I certainly studied in there that afternoon. What is that you ask? Do I feel bad that I probably got somebody fired by posting this on the "net" for everyone to see? No. If you make mistakes you're bound to get caught... and I am going to be the one to catch you.
So the other weekend the Carters and us went to My Big Fat Greek Restaurant. Upon arrival Colman went to the restroom and when he returned he said to me, "Go into the bathroom and tell me what's missing." Like any good soldier would, I went. I opened the door and immediately I was struck with the view you see on this picture. What is the point to having the door still on the stall when the wall is completely off? I wonder if anyone ever forgets that there is no wall and uses the door. These are questions that have been plaguing my heart for many days. I need some answers.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
The Lone Ranger
Tatum and I were on our way to her parents' house and decided to take a shortcut and to our surprise and wonderment we saw this man standing on the side of the parking lot singing and playing his heart out. On our way back we decided to see if he was still there... and that is when we took this picture.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
They must be reading this blog...
Remember that perfect study area I found the other day? Well, apparently other people know of this secluded study area and I am not so thrilled about it. I thought I had struck gold, but it ended up being silver. Although some people know about this spot, it is still way better than any other part of the library that I have found.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Do you recognize this voice... Yep Josh T.
He was taking a western literature class and thought it was going to be about cowboys. It was a three hour class and to his dissappointment, it wasn't about cowboys. This is how he left the class before he dropped it.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Swimming in Slime...
Could you please explain this?
Today I decided to search out a quiet, vacant place to study. It seems like anywhere on campus that I go there are a ton of people. So I decided to go up to a random floor of the Towers portion of the library. Apparantly there were a few others that had the same idea as me, but it was still pretty quiet. That wasn't enough - I didn't want to see a soul. I searched and searched, along the walls, around corners, and then I found it...death row. Look at this picture. There are two rows of probably 10 of these each. All of those little cubicles are locked up so you couldn't get inside even if you wanted to. I think this is where they lock up the students that roll luggage around campus Luckily right across from them were some normal desks where I peacefully studied...alone.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Mental Illness
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
A Rude Awakening
I realized today that next Tuesday I have 3 tests and on Thursday I have another test... the rude awakening comes because I was thinking the material was pretty cut and dry as of last week. Then I started reading the books and doing the homework... it seems it is not so cut and dry after all.
I am mainly posting all of this because someone who shall remain nameless (aka that girl that has Lost The Touch), keeps pestering all of us in our household to update our blogs. What if I don't have much to say Missy. I lead a relatively boring life. I go to school and I study. When I worked I had stories... great stories. The best I have now is that in two of my classes I sit next to an Italian guy who sits with his legs completely crossed... which is probably the norm in Europe. However, this is America - that sort of thing has been made fun of repeatedly. * Like I said earlier, I lead a relatively boring life - this is all I can come up with.
OK! I didn't vote. I admit it. I am ashamed. I have some excuses though... I had to leave to go to school at 6am and I didn't get home until 8pm. I also don't really know where my local polling center is. I am sorry.
*Disclaimer: Capt. Monterey Jack is in now way trying to demean the act of sitting cross-legged. It was merely a story because that is the only thing that could come to my mind. I have to admit that at times I have been known to sit with my legs completely crossed - sometimes the occasion permits it. However, for some odd reason I still think it's a little funny watching other people do it.